
BTS #26 Dr. Genester Wilson-King on Cannabis and Hormones, Women’s Health, Inequities in Healthcare

In this behind-the-scenes episode we talk with Dr. Genester Wilson-King, a board certified OB/GYN, Cannabis clinician, and hormone expert. Our conversation spanned many topics including how cannabinoids and hormones interact with one another, how Cannabis affects women differently than men, how Cannabis affects women after menopause differently than women experiencing cyclical hormones, how Cannabis affects cis gender people different than trans gender people, how Cannabis affects fertility, Cannabis during pregnancy and breastfeeding and much more!

Learn more about Dr. Wilson-King here: https://www.victoryrejuvenationcenter.com/

Enjoy and stay curious!

BTS #25 Farmer Cee of Green Heffa Farms on Hemp Farming as a Black Woman in the Deep South

In this behind-the-scenes (BTS) episode we talk with Clarenda (daughter of Clarence and Brenda) “Farmer Cee” Stanley of Green Heffa Farms! Green Heffa Farms is a medicinal plant farm and learning laboratory that is dedicated to teaching community members, with a focus on women of color, about food production, resource management, gardening, and medicinal plants. We talk about how Cee found her way into hemp farming, ecological consciousness in farming and land use, what led to the development of her first hemp product, experiences with systemic racism in the agricultural and Cannabis industries, and much more.

Learn more about Green Heffa Farms at www.GreenHeffaFarms.com

BTS #24 Angus of The Real Seed Co. on The New Taxonomy for Landrace Cultivars (EDITED)

In this behind-the-scenes (BTS) interview we join Angus of The Real Seed Company once again to discuss a recently published paper entitled “A Classification of Endangered High-THC Cannabis Domesticates and Their Wild Relatives” by John McPartland and Ernest Small. We discussed some of our basic thoughts about the paper, how the new taxonomy will influence The Real Seed Company’s operations and what plants they collect from, the implications this new taxonomy has for preserving the dwindling genetic diversity of the Cannabis plant, how landrace Cannabis farmers in places like Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other areas are getting hit hard by COVID-19, and much more.

This is an edited version of our conversation. The full conversation is nearly three hours long and can be found at Patreon.com/CuriousAboutCannabis

I hope you enjoy! Stay curious

BTS #23 Andrew DeAngelo on Cannabis Activism, Healing From Stigma, Social Equity

In this behind-the-scenes (BTS) interview we sit down with Cannabis activist, entrepreneur and actor Andrew DeAngelo, best known for being the co-founder of Harborside Dispensary in California. In our conversation we dive into the psychology and sociology of the Cannabis culture, exploring the role stigma plays in a Cannabis user’s life, strategies for healing from the trauma of stigma, effective ways of affecting change, and much more.

Learn more about Andrew DeAngelo at www.AndrewDeAngelo.com

Learn more about the Last Prisoner Project at www.LastPrisonerProject.org

Note: Please forgive the audio quality of my microphone in this interview. For whatever reason, my audio was a bit distorted. The issue has since been resolved.

BTS #22 Charles McElroy of Goldleaf on Cannabis Science Education, The Patient Journal, Changing Stigma

In this behind-the-scenes (BTS) interview we talk with Charles McElroy, the founder of Goldleaf, a science-forward Cannabis focused print company that has become famous for its journals, like The Patient Journal, as well as their science posters and educational materials. In this conversation we talk about how Charles came to start Goldleaf, the work that went into developing The Patient Journal, feedback that he has received from clinicians and patients that use the journal, the role that companies like Goldleaf play in affecting public perception of Cannabis, the future of the Cannabis industry and more.

Learn more about Goldleaf at www.shopgoldleaf.com

BTS #21 Samuel Moore of Hillside Hemp Oregon on Sustainable Farming, Seed Sourcing, CBD

In this behind-the-scenes (BTS) episode recorded in the summer of 2019, we join Hillside Hemp CEO and Cannabis cultivator, Samuel Moore, at his hemp farm in Southern Oregon to talk about sustainable farming practices, how small scale Cannabis farms can survive the growth of hemp farming, things to consider when sourcing Cannabis seeds, lessons learned from the “Great Hemp Seed Debacle of 2018”, and much more.

We hope to catch up with Sam again soon to see how his farm is doing this year compared to last year when this interview was recorded. Enjoy and stay curious!

BTS #20 Linda Klumpers PhD on Cannify, Cannabinoid Pharmacology, Cannabis for Pain

In this behind-the-scenes (BTS) episode we sit down with Dr. Linda Klumpers, a clinical pharmacologist that has been studying how Cannabis and cannabinoids affect the body. Our conversation covered a lot of topics including how cannabinoids affect the body, clinical evidence for the entourage effect, how Cannabis affects pain and sleep, misconceptions about Cannabis, differences between studying Cannabis in the Netherlands versus the United States, and more!

Besides the clinical cannabinoid research that she is involved with, Dr. Klumpers is also the mind behind Cannify, a quiz that helps connect people to peer-reviewed human clinical data about Cannabis. Learn more about Cannify by going to www.Cannify.us

BTS #19 Dr. Junella Chin on Medical Uses of Cannabis, Pediatric Use, Women’s Health

In this behind-the-scenes (BTS) episode we talk with Dr. Junella Chin, a physician that has specialized in Cannabis and cannabinoid medicine. Our conversation spanned a variety of topics including pediatric Cannabis use, how Cannabis interacts with sexual hormones like estrogen and testosterone, how people of different ethnicities respond differently to Cannabis, the state of cannabinoid education in the modern healthcare system, and more!

You can learn more about Dr. Junella Chin by visiting www.DrJuneChin.com

BTS #18 Kevin McKernan of Medicinal Genomics on Cannabis Genetics, GMO Cannabis, Pest Resistance

In this behind-the-scenes (BTS) episode we sit down with Kevin McKernan, the founder of Medicinal Genomics, who has been working for years on mapping and understanding the Cannabis genome. Our 2 hour conversation spanned many topics including basic misunderstandings about genetics, the genes responsible for cannabinoid production in Cannabis, how genes sometimes do unexpected things, how Cannabis genes are related to pest resistance, philosophical and ethical issues related to genetic modification of organisms and much more.

The pre-print research article referenced in this conversation can be found here: https://www.medicinalgenomics.com/breakthrough-cannabis-genomics-study/

Medicinal Genomics: www.medicinalgenomics.com

Kannapedia: www.kannapedia.net

BTS #17 Murphy Murri on Cannabis Extraction, Hydrocarbon Safety, Aquatek, Standardized Extracts

In this behind-the-scenes (BTS) episode we sit down with Cannabis educator Murphy Murri to talk all about Cannabis extracts and extraction technology. Our conversation covered a wide range of topics including the value of mentorship, how to stay safe while working with hydrocarbon solvents, how to produce standardized extracts using chromatography, the variables that influence an extract’s texture and consistency, and much more.

I hope you enjoy! Stay curious, and take it easy.

Murphy Murri’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/murphymurri

Sano Gardens: https://sanogardens.com/

Future 4200: www.future4200.com

Good Life Gang: www.goodlifegang.tech

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