Isn’t Life Curious?

Metaphysical Mysteries with Philosopher Neil Manson, PhD

Is life really all that special? Or is it just a happy accident that we are here?

Neil Manson, PhD is a philosopher and professor of philosophy specialized in tackling these very questions. An expert on philosophy of science and philosophy of religion, Dr. Manson and I dive down a metaphysical wormhole to explore the ways humans have tried to wrestle with our place in the universe. If there is a multiverse, what does that mean for our traditional concepts of God? If we live in a simulation, then what ethical obligations do I have to you or anyone else?

Take a deep breath and let’s have an existential crisis together on this episode of Isn’t Life Curious?!

Enjoy! Stay curious, and take it easy!

Comedian Rodney Norman Explores the Mysteries of the Universe

In this episode of Isn’t Life Curious? we join comedian and social media sensation Rodney Norman to talk about the meaning of life and what exactly he finds so funny about it all. Throughout the conversation we are joined by some of Rodney’s friends including Leonard, the World’s Worst Motivational Speaker, to unpack some of their most profound insights about what it means to be alive.

Get ready to discover all the answers you have ever sought about life and the universe! It’s all packaged up for you in this single hour long conversation – available to you for free! (plus shipping and handling)

You can learn more about Rodney and find tour dates, merch and more at

“Have a super freakin’ awesome day!”

Stay curious, and take it easy!

Steven Novella MD Provides a Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe

​To kick off the new show, I wanted to re-release my conversation with Dr. Steven Novella, most famously known as the producer and host of The Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe Podcast and author of The Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe book. Dr. Novella is a neurologist and professor at Yale School of Medicine and an advocate of the skepticism movement. In our conversation we talk about the concept of reality vs perception and how to evaluate whether we are in touch with reality or are lost in our own fictions and hallucinations that our brains produce for us so easily. We discuss some of the cognitive biases that we wrestle with every day, common misconceptions about skepticism, the failings of public education in promoting critical thinking skills in kids, the severe consequences that may be in store if humans can’t learn to think better, and much more!

Learn more about The Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe at

Stay curious!

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