Month: May 2021

BTS #55 Nikki Lawley on Cannabis for Traumatic Brain Injury

In this behind-the-scenes conversation we sit down with Nikki Lawley a nurse that was forced into retirement after a traumatic brain injury sustained after a patient pushed her against a wall while refusing an immunization. Although Nikki had sustained a couple of mild brain injuries in the past, this one changed her life forever.

In this conversation Nikki shares her story and how Cannabis has turned out to be a very effective tool in helping her regain quality of life. Nikki is now a passionate medical Cannabis advocate and works to educate others about how Cannabis and cannabinoids can be used as tools to help limit the devastating long-term effects of brain injury or even possibly prevent long-term damage in the first place.

You can learn more about Nikki and her story at

Stay curious and take it easy!

BTS #54 Jonathan Mintle aka Botanichemist on Solventless Hash and Rosin Making

In this behind-the-scenes conversation we join Jonathan Mintle, aka Botanichemist, to talk about solventless Cannabis extracts. We spent nearly 3 hours going over every bit of nuance that someone might need to understand if they intend on getting into solventless hash or rosin production. We discuss important considerations that affect final product quality, how to evaluate Cannabis resin trichomes in the context of hashmaking, why different sized micron filters matter in hash production, what it takes to make high quality rosin, and a lot more!

This 3 hour conversation was cut for time. Hear the whole conversation at

Learn more about Botanichemist Consulting at

Hope you enjoy! Stay curious and take it easy!

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