Month: December 2020

BTS #41 Elise McDonough on Cannabis Infused Edibles, Satori Confections, WAMM

In this behind-the-scenes interview we sat down with Elise McDonough to talk all things edibles! Elise has authored multiple Cannabis cookbooks including Bong Appetit and The Official High Times Cannabis Cookbook. We explore lessons that Elise has learned about cooking with Cannabis, exciting opportunities in the Cannabis edibles market, what the future of Cannabis edibles may look like, her history in the Cannabis industry including her work with WAMM, and much more!

Learn more about Elise’s work at

Stay curious and take it easy!

BTS #40 1st Lady of the West Coast (FLOTWC) on Cannabis for Healing Trauma, Battling Depression, Feeding Creativity

In this behind-the-scenes episode we are joined by 1st Lady of the West Coast (FLOTWC), a musician, producer, entrepreneur, and medical Cannabis user. In our conversation, 1stLady shared her incredibly personal and inspirational story of confronting childhood trauma, battling bipolar disorder and depression, and how Cannabis saved her life – inspiring her to start her own line of Cannabis varieties, including Black Girl Magic OG, FLOTWC Kush, and others. We also discuss her career in the music industry, how Cannabis affects her creativity, life lessons that she has learned from a lifetime in the music industry, and much more.

Featured Song: “BGMO” (feat. Rick Ross) by 1st Lady of the West Coast

You can find 1st Lady of the West Coast on Spotify, Apple Music, or wherever else you listen to music.

Enjoy, stay curious and take it easy.

Disclaimer: None of the content featured on The Curious About Cannabis Podcast is medical advice. Always seek the help of a licensed healthcare professional if you desire to use Cannabis as medicine.

BTS #39 Arno Hazekamp PhD on Cannabis Chemovars, Controversies, and the Need for Better Education

In this behind-the-scenes interview we are joined by Arno Hazekamp, PhD. Arno is based out of the Netherlands and has been researching Cannabis since 2001. He is probably most famous for proposing the concept of Cannabis chemovars to replace the idea of “strains”. His work has primarily focused on examining the chemical constituents of Cannabis and Cannabis products including Cannabis teas, Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), and more. He has also published numerous papers on other topics like Cannabis sterilization via gamma irradiation, review papers on human clinical research around Cannabis, and many more.

Arno shares my passion for science communication and science education, which came through very clearly in this conversation. We discussed many different topics over the course of the two hours including common Cannabis misconceptions, evidence for therapeutic applications of Cannabis, how to think about “strains” and indica/sativa vernacular, the best way to make Cannabis tea, the importance of writing scientific papers with a lay audience in mind, and a whole lot more!

Connecting with Arno was a delight and I look forward to talking to him again in the future. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

Learn more about Arno’s work at

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