Rewriting the Narrative and Smashing the Stigma with Susie Plascencia MA | BTS 90

What is the power of a story?

In this behind-the-scenes episode we are joined by entrepreneur and storyteller Susie Plascencia to talk about her mission to use storytelling to reduce stigma and help the Latin American community find its place in the Cannabis industry.

Susie is the founder and CEO of NightShift Digital, a boutique PR and social media marketing agency, and NightShift Cannabis, a subsidiary serving clients in cannabis and cannabis-adjacent industries.

In 2020, she co-founded MOTA Glass, a Latina and veteran owned bong brand with the intent of addressing two main issues in the functional glass industry: the mass importing of product which lowers quality and devalues local production, and the continued marginalization of an overworked and underpaid minority workforce. Merry Jane Media named Susie a top “cannabis power player” that same year.

In late 2021, NightShift Cannabis partnered with POSIBL to develop Humo, California’s Mexican American owned cannabis brand centered on the culture and representation of the Latino community. She currently serves as Brand Partner for Humo where she oversees brand development, social media, marketing, and sales.

She is passionate about Latina representation in the cannabis industry and founded Latinas in Cannabis, a nationally-recognized organization that uplifts, celebrates, and connects Latina entrepreneurs, content creators, educators, and advocates.

In 2022, Marijuana Venture included Susie in their 40 Under 40 that highlights rising stars in the industry. She’s a proud Trojan and alumna of the Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California where she holds a Master of Arts in Specialized Journalism and Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations.

To learn more about Susie, visit

To learn more about Humo Cannabis, visit

#cannabis #stigma #latinx #poc #socialequity #medicalcannabis #cannabiscommunity #cannabisindustry #humo #humocannabis #fuego #curiousaboutcannabis

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