Fighting for a Better Cannabis Industry with Andrew DeAngelo | BTS 88

Is there any hope left for businesses in the Cannabis industry any more?

In this behind-the-scenes conversation we meet up again with Andrew DeAngelo to talk about the current state of the legal Cannabis industry in the United States and abroad, the challenges and opportunities facing businesses today, and where to find hope as a Cannabis business operator amid a sea of bad news that seems to keep pouring out about legal Cannabis markets in places like California. We also drop in on The Last Prisoner Project to get an update on their important work to free prisoners that have been convicted of Cannabis crimes in the United States.

To learn more about Andrew’s work visit

To learn more about The Last Prisoner Project visit

#CannabisIndustry #CannabisCommunity #AndrewDeAngelo #CannabisCulture #Cannabis #Hemp #LastPrisonerProject #CannabisEducation #CuriousAboutCannabis

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