Isn’t Life Curious? Episodes

Life is a curious thing. Let's explore it together.

Infusing Cannabis Education with Curated Interactive Events with Tamara Anderson of Culinary & Cannabis | BTS 84

In this behind-the-scenes conversation we meet Tamara Anderson, a nurse by day and Cannabis event curator by night. Through a series of seemingly divinely orchestrated life events, Tamara realized that their skills as a nurse and pastry chef were perfectly suited to help people understand the many different ways that Cannabis can be used and how those products can affect the body.

Through personalized curated events ranging from luxurious spa experiences to 5-star chef-cooked infused meals at home – Tamara goes out of their way to ensure that anyone can have the chance to experiment with Cannabis edibles, topicals and other products so that they can figure out what kind of relationship, if any, they want with Cannabis.

In our conversation we discuss the role of experiential learning in Cannabis education and why it is so important for people to gain hands-on experience with Cannabis and Cannabis derived products when trying to learn about them. We also discuss the ways in which Tamara’s curated events have impacted some of their attendees, how Cannabis education affects Cannabis stigma, and more!

Learn more about Culinary and Cannabis at:

#CannabisEducation #CuriousAboutCannabis #CannabisEdibles #Hemp #CannabisEvents #CannaSpa #CulinaryAndCannabis

Standards: The Final Frontier? ASTM Intl’s Effort to Standardize the Cannabis Industry with Darwin Millard (The Spock of Cannabis) | BTS 83

In this behind-the-scenes conversation I beam aboard the USS Cannabis starship to join “The Spock of Cannabis” Darwin Millard to talk about ASTM International’s efforts to bring the planet together to develop unifying standards for the Cannabis industry. In this conversation we talk about why the development of international quality standards is critical, how ASTM’s collaborative open-door process of standard development is unique compared to how other organizations or government agencies develop standards, and how everyone with any interest in Cannabis has been invited to join the table to lend a voice and help drive the future of the international Cannabis industry.

You can learn more about ASTM International’s Cannabis subcommittee and get involved here:

You can learn more about Darwin’s work at

“Live Long and Process!” – The Spock of Cannabis

#CannabisEducation #CannabisQuality #Cannabis #Hemp #CannabisIndustry #HempEducation #GlobalCannabis #GlobalCannabisIndustry #ASTM #ASTMIntl #LiveLongAndProcess #CuriousAboutCannabis

Unraveling the DNA of Cannabis with Oussama Badad of Trilogene Seeds | BTS 82

In this behind-the-scenes episode I chat with Oussama Badad, the lead geneticist for Trilogene Seeds to talk about the science behind Cannabis genetics and gene editing technologies. We discuss common misconceptions around gene editing, how gene editing using tools like CRISPR and RNA interference is different than the genetic modification technologies used to produce GMOs, how gene edited Cannabis plants could affect the Cannabis industry, Trilogene Seeds’ quest to produce THC-free hemp plants, Cannabis tissue culturing, and much more.

Learn more about Trilogene Seeds at

#CannabisEducation #CannabisGenetics #Cannabis #Hemp #THCFree #CannabisPodcast #CuriousAboutCannabis

We Grow Cannabis: Uniting Community Through Marijuana Horticulture with Jorge Cervantes | BTS 81

In this behind-the-scenes interview we meet up with legendary Cannabis cultivator, educator and author Jorge Cervantes. We talk about his new book We Grow Cannabis, his mission to update and revise the classic Cannabis grower’s bible Marijuana Horticulture, how Cannabis cultivation has changed over the years, common mistakes new Cannabis growers make, the problem with fertilizers, how to start growing organically, and more!

Learn more about Jorge’s work and download a free copy of We Grow Cannabis at:

Meet the Cannabis Plant: Exploring the Evolutionary History and Lifecycle of Cannabis | Feature #11

CAC feature episodes are back after a 2 year hiatus! In our 11th feature production – we dive into the science of the Cannabis lifecycle. We start with looking at the evolutionary history of Cannabis before we switch gears and look at how Cannabis is cultivated, dried and cured. We dive into the science involved in many of the changes Cannabis undergoes in its journey to a consumer’s grinder.

I hope you enjoy our return to feature episodes – I have many more planned!

If you’re curious about Cannabis, visit and check out more podcast episodes and educational content including courses, books, and more!

Stay curious and take it easy!

Show Notes / Transcription:

“It’s a plant that goes by many names. Some call it hemp. Some call it marijuana. Call it what you will, it’s cannabis. And it’s got a lot of people curious.

But what do you really know about the Cannabis plant and how it makes its way to your grinder? In this episode we will be taking things back to their roots, as we explore the science of the Cannabis plant’s lifecycle.

So get ready to get dirty as we meet the Cannabis plant!


These days Cannabis is big business. It wasn’t that long ago that Cannabis was almost an entirely underground industry. Very few people were willing to talk openly about it, and those that did often had to disguise their identities to do so. Today Cannabis is legal in some form or another in most states in the United States as well as Canada, Mexico and many other countries around the world.

More people are using Cannabis than ever before. Chances are, if you are listening to this podcast, there is a strong possibility you are one of these people. But what do you really know about how that little Cannabis bud in your child-resistant pop top container got there. Every Cannabis flower has a story to tell.

In this episode we are going to follow the lifecycle of a Cannabis plant from early evolution, to seed all the way to consumption and chart out many of the fascinating bits of science that are involved along the way.

And to guide our curious quest, we will focus on a few key questions:

One, what is Cannabis and how did it get here? Where does it fit in the big kingdom of plants?

Two, How does a harvested Cannabis plant turn into the perfectly manicured, aromatic, resinous buds that you might find at a dispensary?

Three, How does the chemistry of Cannabis change over time from the moment it is harvested to the moment it reaches the hands of a consumer?

And now, without further ado, let’s get started!

So, what is Cannabis?

Cannabis is a genus – which is one rank above species – and it belongs to the Cannabaceae family, which includes up to 9 or 10 other genera, like Humulus, which you are already familiar with if you are a beer drinker, because Humulus lupus, or hops, is commonly used to flavor beer.[1]

Recent research examining fossilized pollen from around the world has indicated that Cannabis and Humulus split from the same ancient ancestor approximately 30 million years ago.[2]

The Cannabis plant is thought to have really started is evolutionary journey somewhere around the Tibetan Plateau in Asia.[3] From there it moved around, following humans wherever we went, traveling from Western Asia up into Eastern Europe[4], back down into Asia, West into Africa and Western Europe. Then on to South America, Atlantic and Pacific Islands and finally North America.

Cannabis is thought to be one of the earliest ethnobotanical plants that humans have relied on for food, materials, and medicines. The seeds have been eaten for their nutritional value for thousands of years. There are reports of Cannabis being used for religious and recreational purposes going back at least five thousand years ago.[5] [6] Because of its value as a multi-functional botanical, humans throughout history have stewarded the Cannabis plant.

In each of the places where Cannabis has travelled, it has naturalized. It doesn’t actually take very long for Cannabis to adapt to a new environment. Reportedly this can happen in as few as 50 generations.[7] Given that Cannabis is generally an annual plant, that’s just 50 years or so. In the context of evolutionary history, this is a flash. These different varieties of Cannabis that have naturalized to unique geographical areas are called “landrace” varieties. Forgive the unfortunate terminology – it is what it is.


This is Angus of The Real Seed Company. He has traveled all over the world studying landrace Cannabis varieties.


So these are plants that are naturalized – but not necessarily wild. In fact, botanists and other researchers that have gone searching for truly wild Cannabis have had a hard time finding it. There is evidence of domestication in seemingly all Cannabis plants on the planet at this point. But this should not be surprising, right? We also don’t see wild versions of many of the vegetables we eat, because they have been domesticated for so long.

It’s also worth noting that the commercial Cannabis that you find in a dispensary, has little to do with these naturalized varieties. Commercial Cannabis is the result of intense hybridization and inbreeding resulting in the types of plants we traditionally think of when we think of Cannabis, but there is a lot more to Cannabis than what you see at a dispensary – but we will have more on that in another episode.

The Cannabis plant itself grows in varying forms depending on how it is cultivated, the plant’s genetics, and more.

The Cannabis leaf has become one of the most well recognized leaves on the planet, presenting a leaf structure that resembles a hand and is referred to as palmate. The leaf consists of 3 or more leaflets that somewhat resemble fingers. Each leaflet features serrated edges and a characteristic vein pattern where each vein splits toward the outer edge of the leaf to spread to both the outer tip and inner notch of each serration.

It is typically thought that Cannabis plants grow as either male or female plants. Female Cannabis plants produce the sticky resins containing the prized cannabinoids and terpenoids that so many people are after.

However this idea of a female Cannabis plant may not be quite right, as the Cannabis plant keeps many tricks up its sleeves, including the ability to produce male flowers and produce seeds on its own if it thinks it is in danger.


This is Dr. Reggie Gaudino. He is a molecular geneticist and research scientist that has been studying Cannabis for years. And his research has led him to believe that the notion of a true female Cannabis plant is a myth.


We’ve talked a bit about what Cannabis is and where it came from, but how is it grown? To answer this, we will follow the lifecycle of a Cannabis plant, starting with the seed.

Cannabis seeds contain several primary parts – the endosperm, which is a special kind of food to help feed the plant as it first starts growing, the cotyledons, which are the very first leaves that the plant will push out, and the seed coat, which protects the cotyledons and endosperm. When the seed absorbs a certain amount of water, life kicks into motion.

This moment when the seeds crack and start to push out roots is called “germination”. During this process, the plant is producing all sorts of hormones to quickly build roots, shoots and true leaves so that the plant can start using energy from the sun and have a decent chance at surviving.

But you have to be mindful that you know your seeds well. As plants are bred, they fall into a particular fiial generation. F1 plants tend to have stable, dominant traits. F2 plants tend to contain such a mix of genetics that many recessive traits emerge. With enough breeding through more filial generations, it is possible to eventually get to a stabilized inbred line of plants that are always consistent when grown from seed – however, this takes a lot of work and some debate whether it has ever happened in Cannabis yet.

Back in 2019 I spoke with a Cannabis farmer that had a nightmare scenario happen with Cannabis seeds that were supposed to be F1 hemp seeds.


Within a few weeks, depending on how much light the plant is getting, it will start to produce the earliest signs of sex organs – giving you a bit of insight into whether the plant is a male or female.

Cannabis produces two types of flowers – staminate flowers, which are the “male” flowers that produce pollen, and pistillate flowers, which are the “female” flowers that contain ovaries and produce resin.

If you don’t want to wait the 3 to 6 weeks it can take to sex your plants by eye, there are molecular tests available that can identify with varying degrees of accuracy whether your plants are male or female presenting.

Each bud is actually an inflorescence, which is the scientific word for a group of flowers. Each inflorescence of Cannabis contains lots of small irregular flowers, signified by a pair of what look like small hairs coming from each flower. The stigma, along with the fused style found at its base, is used to help pollen travel down to the ovary for pollination and fertilization.

Generally male plants are culled from the garden quickly to avoid pollination and seed production in the resin-producing female Cannabis plants.

Once these female presenting Cannabis plants begin producing flowers, they also start producing tons of cannabinoid and terpenoid rich sticky icky resin. And as long as the plants are not pollinated, they keep producing resin until the plant prepares to reach the end of its lifecycle. At this point the resin starts changing color, from clear, to cloudy to amber.

Each bud is actually an inflorescence, which is the scientific word for a group of flowers. Each inflorescence of Cannabis contains lots of small irregular flowers, signified by a pair of what look like small hairs coming from each flower. The stigma, along with the fused style found at its base, is used to help pollen travel down to the ovary for pollination and fertilization.

When the majority of trichomes are getting cloudy or amber, it’s time to harvest the flowers and allow them to dry – usually to a moisture content of around 8 to 12%. Personally, I recommend letting Cannabis dry more than you probably think it should, almost to the point of being cracker dry. This can be a bit scary at first – but trust me – that material is going to soak up any moisture from the air while curing, ultimately rehydrating the buds. You should expect to see the moisture content of the plant material go up a couple of degrees or more during curing.

You might be surprised how much water is in the air around us most of the time. Even in arid places like California or Southern Oregon, the air can often rest at humidity levels around 35 to 50%. In humid areas like the Southeastern United States, those humidity levels can be much higher.

When the plants are being harvested, the large leaves are clipped off. This helps ensure that air can move around the drying plants better and this helps prevent excess moisture from filling the drying space, ultimately reducing the potential of mold growth and expediting the drying process.

This drying process is a delicate process. If it happens too fast with too much heat, many terpenes and other volatile compounds besides water will be lost or degraded. As long as the drying process happens slowly at a low temperature, excess terpene loss should be kept to a minimum.

While the plant is drying, the chemistry starts changing. Besides the water leaving the plant material, aromatic compounds like monoterpenes are also leaving the plant, leaving behind heavier terpenes like sesquiterpenes.[10] One study found that while monoterpenes dominate freshly harvested Cannabis, which often have sharp and gassy aromas, the terpene profile of a plant rapidly changes as it dries to favor sesquiterpenes like beta-caryophyllene and humulene. This is because much of those monoterpenes literally jump off the plant during the drying process, ultimately raising the concentration of heavier terpenes, which tend to have spicier aromas overall.

The plant also off gasses other things while it is drying, like carbon dioxide, methanol, and ethylene.


This is Dr. Allison Justice, a plant scientist based out of South Carolina that has made it her mission to better understand how the Cannabis plant grows, and particularly – how it grows differently in different parts of the world.


Once dry, the plants are due for a good bucking. Bucking is the process of removing buds off of the large stems of the plant. This can be done by hand, as is often the case for craft Cannabis that is being treated more delicately, or there are also machines that have been designed to strip buds off of Cannabis plants as is the case in large scale Cannabis cultivation. Once the plant has been bucked, the buds can be trimmed to remove excess plant material before being stored for curing.

Once Cannabis plants have been chopped down, dried, and allowed to cure – they are then packaged – often in glass jars or vacuum sealed bags – to preserve the flowers’ aroma and moisture content. It’s at that point that the product makes its way from a grower, to a wholesaler, to a dispensary, and then to a customer’s hands.

But the Cannabis plant is not done changing yet.

As Cannabis is moved from container to container and exposed to oxygen and light, the chemistry starts changing once again. Terpenes oxidize, forming new aromas and tastes. Cannabinoids decarboxylate a bit and transform. Once THCA decarboxylates to THC, it then begins transforming into delta-8-THC and CBN.[12] Likewise, CBDA will decarboxylate to CBD, then transform to CBND and other derivatives.[13]

By the time a dried, cured inflorescence reaches a consumer – the chemistry can be substantially different than when it was harvested. This is one reason why “live resin” has become so popular. “Live Resin” is an extract produced from freshly harvested Cannabis plants that have not been allowed to dry and cure. Typically plants are cut down and immediately frozen and then stored until ready to be extracted. Live resin is typically associated with very loud aromas and flavors, often including more monoterpenes than would normally be found in the extracts of cured flower.

This has led to interesting debates between passionate connoisseurs and brands over the benefits of live resin vs. cured resin.

To each their own.

And just when we thought we were done, the Cannabis plant is still not done changing. The way you consume Cannabis affects its chemistry and what chemicals actually make it into your bloodstream.

When Cannabis is heated, all those cannabinoids, terpenoids and other chemical compounds begin to further transform into different chemicals, some that were never present in the plant to begin with.


On the other hand, if you eat Cannabis, the chemistry will change in a different way. Those chemicals will travel through your digestive system to your liver where they will be metabolized and transformed before being allowed to enter your bloodstream.

But all of that chemistry of the Cannabis plant and its constituents is only one piece of the puzzle when trying to understand how Cannabis and Cannabis derived products affect the body. The other piece of the puzzle…is you. Your unique body and the unique ways in which it processes food, drugs and other compounds is a huge piece of the puzzle that often gets ignored.

Beyond your basic physiology that you bring to the table, there is also your psychology.

The setting in which you consume Cannabis will affect your experience. Your intention while consuming Cannabis will affect your experience. Consuming when you’re upset versus when you are happy will yield different experiences.

Cannabis affects everyone differently for a host of reasons – and no one really understands all the variables involved to predict how Cannabis will affect you. While there are all sorts of genetic tests, organoleptic training, and special recipes out there claiming to help you find what will work perfectly for you – at the end of the day, YOU are the only one that can know what works best for you. And you gain that understanding through experience and careful observation and reflection about your experiences.

If you want to learn more about how Cannabis affects the body, I recommend checking out our episodes on the endocannabinoid system and the endocannabinoidome!

Now, let’s review what we’ve learned.

First, Cannabis is a plant with a rich evolutionary history. It’s closest ancestor is the hops plant, Humulus lupus, which shared an ancient ancestor with Cannabis approximately 30 million years ago.

Cannabis has been used throughout history for many different uses, and is most commonly used as fiber, food, and medicine.

It is the pistillate flowers of the Cannabis plant that produce cannabinoid and terpene rich resins.

There are no true female Cannabis plants, as they all seem to have the ability to produce male flowers under stress.

Cannabis plants generally show their sex within 3 to 6 weeks of growth, depending on lighting conditions and the genetics of the plant itself. This process can sometimes be expedited by limiting light to only 12 hours a day

Male Cannabis plants are kept separate from resin-producing female plants to avoid pollination and seed production, or fertilization.

The chemistry of a Cannabis flower changes considerably from the moment it is harvested to the moment it is consumed.

Fresh Cannabis flower is rich in monoterpenes which quickly volatilize during the drying process, moreso that heavier terpenes like sesquiterpenes.

As Cannabis dries, the cannabinoids and terpenes in the resin begin to transform as they are exposed to air, light and heat.

When Cannabis is curing, it releases a variety of volatile organic compounds that influence the way cannabinoids and terpenes transform.

Then after the flower is packaged and sold to a consumer, another chemical transformation takes place when the flower is heated – producing hundreds of chemicals that were not present in the flower before it was heated.

Once consumed, each person’s body processes Cannabis a little differently, sometimes leading to very different experiences person-to-person.

There are no tests, techniques or recipes that will automatically connect you with the perfect Cannabis product or chemical profile for your specific need. You know yourself better than anyone, and only you have access to the physiological and psychological variables that also influence how you experience Cannabis, beyond the chemistry of the product itself.

That’s our show for today. I’m Jason Wilson[15] with Curious About Cannabis[16] asking you to stay curious and take it easy.

[1] John M. McPartland.Cannabis Systematics at the Levels of Family, Genus, and Species.Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research.Dec 2018.203-212.

[2] McPartland, J.M., Hegman, W. & Long, T. Cannabis in Asia: its center of origin and early cultivation, based on a synthesis of subfossil pollen and archaeobotanical studies. Veget Hist Archaeobot 28, 691–702 (2019).

[3] McPartland, J.M., Hegman, W. & Long, T. Cannabis in Asia: its center of origin and early cultivation, based on a synthesis of subfossil pollen and archaeobotanical studies. Veget Hist Archaeobot 28, 691–702 (2019).

[4] McPartland, J.M., Guy, G.W. & Hegman, W. Cannabis is indigenous to Europe and cultivation began during the Copper or Bronze age: a probabilistic synthesis of fossil pollen studies. Veget Hist Archaeobot 27, 635–648 (2018).

[5] Clarke, R., & Merlin, M. (2016). Cannabis: evolution and ethnobotany. Univ of California Press.

[6] Russo, Ethan B. “The pharmacological history of Cannabis.” Handbook of Cannabis (2014).

[7] McPartland, J. Cannabis: the plant, its evolution, and its genetics—with an emphasis on Italy. Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei 31, 939–948 (2020).

[8] The Curious About Cannabis Podcast behind-the-scenes #53 Reggie Gaudino PhD of Front Range Biosciences on Cannabis Genetics, Functional Cultivars, Landrace Biodiversity

[9] The Curious About Cannabis Podcast behind-the-scenes #21 Samuel Moore of Hillside Hemp Oregon on Sustainable Farming, Seed Sourcing, CBD

[10] Ross, S. A., & ElSohly, M. A. (1996). The volatile oil composition of fresh and air-dried buds of Cannabis sativa. Journal of Natural Products59(1), 49-51.

[11] The Curious About Cannabis Podcast behind-the-scenes #77 The Science of the Cannabis Plant with Allison Justice PhD

[12] Russo, E. B. (2011). Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy and phytocannabinoid‐terpenoid entourage effects. British journal of pharmacology163(7), 1344-1364.

[13] Van Ginneken, C. A. M., Vree, T. B., Breimer, D. D., Thijssen, H. W. H., & Van Rossum, J. M. (1973). Cannabinodiol, a new hashish consituent, identified by gaschromatography-mass spectrometry.

[14] The Curious About Cannabis Podcast behind-the-scenes #79 What’s In a Toke? Exploring the Chemistry of Cannabis Smoke and More with Dr. Riley Kirk


[16] | |

Cannabinoid Science: Past, Present and Future (Southern Oregon University Lecture, 2021)

The history of cannabinoid science tells a fascinating story that many people are really unfamiliar with. In this lecture, which I gave for Southern Oregon University back in October of 2021, I chart some of the basic series of events that led to the discovery of CBD, THC, cannabinoid receptors, the endocannabinoid system, and the endocannabinoidome.

The video associated with this lecture is available on the Curious About Cannabis YouTube at

The 2023 Curious About Cannabis Master Class is coming up! Spend 6 months diving into a Cannabis science crash course with me and over a dozen special guests! Register today at

Harnessing AI for Sustainable Agriculture and Cannabis Education with Matthew Gates | BTS #80

In this behind-the-scenes conversation we drop in with integrated pest management specialist Matthew Gates to talk about his thoughts for this upcoming pest season before we spin off into a philosophical conversation about the impacts of AI and other technological advancements on Cannabis science education, regenerative agriculture, and more! We also throw in some anime references along the way to make for a great conversation.


This is Matthew’s third appearance on the podcast. If you are new to Matthew’s work, I recommend going back to listen to his first two episodes (BTS #68 and BTS #71) on the podcast to learn a ton about some of the science associated with integrated pest management and Cannabis cultivation.


Matthew’s consulting services:


Zenthanol YouTube channel:


Critical Cannabis Genetics Questions with Reggie Gaudino PhD (From 2022 Master Class)

In this episode I wanted to share a presentation given by Reggie Gaudino PhD from the 2022 Curious About Cannabis Master Class where Reggie spent over an hour and a half diving into some of the most pressing questions people often have about Cannabis genetics.

Reggie will be joining us once again for our 2023 Curious About Cannabis Master Class along with over a dozen other special guests comprised of renowned researchers, clinicians and industry professionals ready to share their passion for Cannabis education with you! Class starts on March 23rd and runs through August 24th, 2023!

Learn more about the CAC Master Class at or visit to learn more about CAC events.

How Do Testing Labs Boost THC Numbers? | Lecture by Jason Wilson MS

45% THC Flower?!

It is a well known issue in the Cannabis industry that some Cannabis testing laboratories boost THC numbers to make clients happy and gain market share over other laboratories. This has led to ridiculous THC values on Cannabis product labels. Although this issue is well known, it does not ever seem to get adequately addressed. In this video, Cannabis testing veteran Jason Wilson MS explains the many ways labs can intentionally commit fraud or laboratory mistakes that lead to elevated THC values.

To see the video on YouTube, visit:

This lecture is an excerpt from the Curious About Cannabis self-paced course on Cannabis Testing Fundamentals available for free at

You can also learn more about Cannabis testing and quality control in labs by reading the Curious About Cannabis book available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other book retailers! Learn more at

What’s In a Toke? Exploring the Chemistry of Cannabis Smoke and More with Dr. Riley Kirk | BTS #79

Why does smoking Cannabis deliver unique effects compared to vaping or ingesting Cannabis? Why are social media platforms banning Cannabis educators from talking about the science of Cannabis? We have questions!

In this behind-the-scenes episode I sat down with Dr. Riley Kirk (@cannabichem) from Real Isolates, the company behind the Cannabis smoke extract product called Smokenol, to talk about the chemistry of Cannabis smoke (and lots of other cool natural products science!). In this conversation we discuss some of the unique cannabinoids that show up in Cannabis smoke and what Dr. Kirk has learned during her time studying the transformations of cannabinoids like CBD.

We also discussed her struggle to share Cannabis science education with the world due to the antagonistic nature of social media toward Cannabis content. Dr. Kirk has been shadow banned and de-platformed from social media sites like Instagram and TikTok for discussing basic Cannabis science and cannabinoid pharmacology. We dive into why these issues have real-world adverse effects for anyone curious about Cannabis and what Cannabis educators should know before they rush to their Reels or Stories to talk about Cannabis.

The conversation rounds off with a dive into Dr. Kirk’s love for plants where we talk about her favorite non-Cannabis medicinal plants and the exciting things we can learn when we apply the lens of Cannabis science to other natural products.

Profound Naturals:
